Laurane Le Goff [She/Her]
Ecostage Pledger
Can you tell us something about yourself?
Laurane Le Goff (born 1996) is an ecologically engaged textile artist and costume maker. She is interested in investigating the other-than-human world and finding ways to tell their stories through performance and collaborative works. This interest has led her to interdisciplinary practices that she has developed in the MA Art and Science at Central Saint Martins. Le Goff’s meticulous work in costume making, textile crafts, drawings, and prints, emerges from the experience of natural processes, especially through the comprehension of biology and microbiology. Because of her strong sense of ecological activism, her work is often collaborative and linked to social issues. She co-curated ‘Entangled Futures’, a series of events that aims to embed an intersectional and cross-disciplinary education about the ecological crisis in students’ curricula. The project was supported by the Climate Emergency Network of UAL, but also London LASER. In 2021/22, she was one of the CSM Changemakers and helped to change the university towards more social and ecological justice.
What was the turning point when you became ecologically aware and decided to take action?
I always had an interest in the other-than-human, but I mainly observed and transcribed for a long time. Until 2018, when I went to an art and science residency: Labverde. It took place in the Amazon Rainforest, in Bresil, scientists were explaining to us the range of the damage. It really changed my life, when I came home, I started to take action with Youth For Climate and Fridays for Futures. I started to understand the political problems that are linked to this ecological change. I took a year with Alternatiba (a french NGO working toward a just and sustainable future) to fully commit as a climate activist. Then, I decided to do a master's degree in art and science to be able to link this engagement with my costume-making/ artistic practice.