Placing ecological thinking at the heart of creative practice
Welcome to Ecostage
Ecostage is a grassroots initiative founded by theatre designers that offers practical and creative ideas to green up practices in the performing arts sector and work together for change. A catalyst for individual and collective transformation, it provides a framework that offers multiple routes for change-making.
The site offers different ways to get involved and lots of free resources to use. Connect with the global Ecostage Community of future collaborators, add to a growing library of resources and contribute case studies that celebrate the aesthetic range and diversity of sustainably-produced work.
At the heart of Ecostage are the seven Principles. Available to read and download, these provide a roadmap for everyone at all stages of their eco-journey.
Power of Pledging
You can pledge to the Ecostage Principles and help generate momentum for sector-wide transformation. View the pledge here:
Our Vision
Ecostage cultivates a holistic approach to making and sharing work that recognises the interconnectivity between creativity, ecology, sustainability, activism and well-being. We aim to be responsive, engaging and relevant in our advocacy and activism, remaining alive to feedback, change and growth.
‘[Ecostage] reframes sustainable practice in the theatre to highlight what it is in the first place: a question of principles.’ – Sustainable Theatre, Iphigenia Taxopoulou, Methuen Drama 2023
Latest News
Thailand: Climate Dramaturgy lab report and a new toolkit
A report has been published on the Climate Dramaturgy lab we co-ran earlier this year with BIPAM, the Thai Theatre Foundation and climate dramaturg Zoë Svendsen, and which our co-director Paul [...]
Join us at the SBTD to talk about exciting next steps for Ecostage
We've always had a close relationship with the Society of British Theatre Designers, especially the SBTD's Sustainable Design Working Group, so it's really nice to be invited to present an [...]
Makers and Designers Assemble!
We're delighted to be one of the partner organisations for Makers and Designers Assemble at the National Theatre’s Duffield Studio, 6pm-9pm, 30th September. This is a chance for set, costume, [...]
Latest Case Studies
A Place At The Table
The piece was conceived as an attempt to understand the eruption of violence in Burundi in 1993: a major factor in the lead up to the Rwandan genocide. A friend[...]
Sympoiesis: a bio-inspired dance performance
“Sympoiesis” is a bio-inspired dance performance. Coined originally by Beth Dempster, this term implied ‘multi-species making together.’ The performance emerges from the relationship between myself, a plant, a slime mould,[...]
The state of the Art – an analysis of the theater industry through my experience
This case study wants to be a technical analysis of my expectations and disappointment, hope and rewards, in my 4 years of experience in theatre/Opera/festival/digital shows. I am a young set[...]