Placing ecological thinking at the heart of creative practice

Welcome to Ecostage

Ecostage is a grassroots initiative founded by theatre designers that offers practical and creative ideas to green up practices in the performing arts sector and work together for change. A catalyst for individual and collective transformation, it provides a framework that offers multiple routes for change-making.

The site offers different ways to get involved and lots of free resources to use. Connect with the global Ecostage Community of future collaborators, add to a growing library of resources and contribute case studies that celebrate the aesthetic range and diversity of sustainably-produced work.

At the heart of Ecostage are the seven Principles. Available to read and download, these provide a roadmap for everyone at all stages of their eco-journey.

Read the Principles

Meet the Community

Share Case Studies

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Power of Pledging

You can pledge to the Ecostage Principles and help generate momentum for sector-wide transformation. View the pledge here:

Our Vision

Ecostage cultivates a holistic approach to making and sharing work that recognises the interconnectivity between creativity, ecology, sustainability, activism and well-being. We aim to be responsive, engaging and relevant in our advocacy and activism, remaining alive to feedback, change and growth.

‘[Ecostage] reframes sustainable practice in the theatre to highlight what it is in the first place: a question of principles.’ – Sustainable Theatre, Iphigenia Taxopoulou, Methuen Drama 2023

Latest News

Makers and Designers Assemble!

We're delighted to be one of the partner organisations for Makers and Designers Assemble at the National Theatre’s Duffield Studio, 6pm-9pm, 30th September.  This is a chance for set, costume, [...]

Latest Case Studies

  • A Place at the Table - press photo

A Place At The Table

By |November 29, 2022|

The piece was conceived as an attempt to understand the eruption of violence in Burundi in 1993: a major factor in the lead up to the Rwandan genocide. A friend[...]

  • Sympoiesis: a bio inspired dance performance

Sympoiesis: a bio-inspired dance performance

By |September 14, 2022|

“Sympoiesis” is a bio-inspired dance performance. Coined originally by Beth Dempster, this term implied ‘multi-species making together.’ The performance emerges from the relationship between myself, a plant, a slime mould,[...]

Sister Groups