Sympoiesis: a bio-inspired dance performance
“Sympoiesis” is a bio-inspired dance performance. Coined originally by Beth Dempster, this term implied ‘multi-species making together.’ The performance emerges from the relationship between myself, a plant, a slime mould,[...]
The state of the Art – an analysis of the theater industry through my experience
This case study wants to be a technical analysis of my expectations and disappointment, hope and rewards, in my 4 years of experience in theatre/Opera/festival/digital shows. I am a young set[...]
We Are Nature
The inspiration for the costumes was a book that I wrote in 2016 called ‘Journey’. In the format of a continuous poem, the book tells the story of me walking[...]
Festival Trash is a Designer’s Treasure – A Sleeping Bag Metamorphosis
Hoax took inspiration from Jules Verne's Journey to the Centre of the Earth the piece evolved into Stuck. Part art-installation, part absurdist theatre, using clown, rhetoric and soft sculpture to[...]