Ecostage acknowledges that there can be no environmental justice without social justice by advocating holistic sustainability encompassing Wellbeing, Nature Connection and Social Justice as interconnected values.
Sustainability Policy
Our sustainability policy is embedded in the Ecostage Pledge that all team members adhere to as a public commitment.
As an organisation all team members are responsible for implementing the environmental policies. We follow this in a number of ways, with all meetings and work happening online, paper-free working, offsetting any necessary travel, hosting our website on a carbon-neutral platform that plants trees and supporting local businesses when needed. Our sustainable policy reinforces the pledge points through internal quarterly reporting and annual reporting to members.
Reporting will include an assessment of our carbon footprint, along with realistic and achievable proposals for mitigation.
We keep in touch with current updates to review and monitor the policies to ensure compliance with all relevant green legislation and continually improve our sustainability performance.
By signing the pledge, the Ecostage online community is encouraged to follow the guiding principles sincerely and in good faith, with an intention of these values turning into practice – one step at a time. We have also linked this site to a wonderful selection of resources available to begin turning these values into practice.
Equality & Diversity
We are committed to improving equality, inclusion and diversity, and support LGBTQ+, BLM and other movements, inviting all voices and taking more responsibility and accountability to transform what we can in the current system that values existing unjust power structures that can hold people back such as white patriarchal supremacy that can hold people back because of gender, lack of privilege, class, race etc.
Pronouns of personal choice should be respected.
Ecostage provides training for its working team to increase employee awareness and improve practices.
Data protection/Privacy Policy
Ecostage is committed to processing data in accordance with its responsibilities under GPDR (General Data Protection Regulation). We use Mailchimp (more info on Mailchimp website) for mailing list members, so individuals working for Ecostage do not hold contact information themselves. Mailing list members may change their details or unsubscribe at any time. Website members’ log-in information is held on our host’s servers; again it is not held by any of the individuals working for Ecostage, and only the information members choose to share is held.
As a company engaging with a range of workers in the creative sector, keeping people informed about what we do is an essential aspect of our work, for which holding contact data is necessary. The majority of our contact will be to let people know about our activities but we may also tell you how you can support us, for example with a donation.
Members have the right to:
- request a copy of the information that is held about them.
- request Ecostage to provide what information MailChimp holds about them on their behalf.
- update personal information by logging into MailChimp or the Ecostage website members’ section respectively.
The Ecostage website contains links to other websites and their own privacy policies should be referred to as such. Ecostage keeps its privacy policy under regular review and will place any updates on this web page. If you have any questions about our privacy policy or the data we hold about you, please contact us.