Useful Stuff
Look through Ecostage’s wide-ranging library of links, searchable by keyword or tag. Ecostagers can upload resources using the link on the right. Share knowledge.
[USA] Groundwater Arts shapes, stewards, and seeds a just future through creative practice, consultation, and community building.
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'Building Anti-Racist Theatre Systems
[USA] In reaction to civil unrest in our country, we—Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) theatremakers—formed a collective of multi-generational, multi-disciplinary, early career, emerging and established artists, theater managers, executives, students, administrators, dramaturges and producers, to address the scope and pervasiveness of anti-Blackness and racism in the American theater.
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8 Shields
[UK] The Cultural Emergence toolkit grew and evolved from a co-creative collaboration between Looby Macnamara and Jon Young.
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2008 Mayor of London Green Theatre Guide
[UK/London] The Green Theatre Plan demonstrates how theatres in London can reduce their carbon emissions by 60% by 2025.
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ABTT Resources
[UK] Association of British Theatre Technicians
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Act for Change
[UK] A registered charity campaigning for greater diversity in the UK live and recorded arts.
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A Greener Festival
[UK] Helping festivals and events around the world to be more environmentally sustainable. Find out how your live event can reduce it's environmental impact.
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A Guide to Indigenous Land Acknoledgement
[International] Native Governance Center co-hosted an Indigenous land acknowledgment event with the Lower Phalen Creek Project on Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2019 (October 14).
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Albert Report 2019-2020
[UK] The report includes updated figures which illustrate the impact the TV industry has on the environment.
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Alliance for Wild Ethics
[International] The Alliance for Wild Ethics is engaged in the ongoing and many-faceted work of rejuvenating oral culture – the culture of face-to-face and face-to-place storytelling.
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Alternative Environmental Terms
[International] George Monbiot proposes new language for environmental protection
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Annie Leonard
[USA] Leonard has over two decades of experience investigating and explaining the environmental and social impacts of our stuff: where it comes from, how it gets to us, and where it goes after we get rid of it. Her film, The Story of Stuff, blossomed into The Story of Stuff Project, which works to empower people around the globe to fight for a more sustainable and just future.
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Arctic Lion
[UK] An experimental production studio that develops original drama with an interest in environmental design, nature, landscape, ecology and sustainability.
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Arne Naess
[International] Arne Naess was the founder of deep ecology.[2] He was the youngest person to be appointed full professor at the University of Oslo.
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[California] ArtEquity provides tools, resources, and training at the intersection of art and activism.
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Artists & Climate Change
[International] Celebrating artists who explore the intersection of arts & climate change.
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ArtRenewsPeople - Network
[IT / EU]A meeting point for artists, singers, musicians, technicians and all show workers that are committed to create a more Just and Sustainable world. Requires to register on Hylo.
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Arts Emergency
[UK] Arts Emergency is an award-winning mentoring charity and support network. We work long term with young people in London, Greater Manchester and Merseyside.
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ASEF culture360
[International] Connecting Asia & Europe through arts and culture
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[USA] The mission of AAPAC is to expand the perception of Asian American performers in order to increase their access to and representation on New York City’s stages.
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Back Stage Niche
[UK] Representing the diversity of life behind the curtain
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Black and Gold Arts Festival: Contact
[UK] We are the leading national theatre and arts venue to place young people at the decision-making heart of everything.
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Black Earth Wisdom
Soulful Conversations with Black Environmentalists
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Black Lives Matter
[International] Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives.
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BPA | Black Plays Archive
[UK] An online catalogue of the first professional production of every African, Caribbean, and Black British play produced in the U.K.
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[UK] The world’s leading sustainability assessment method for masterplanning projects, infrastructure and buildings
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Broadway Advocacy Coalition (BAC)
[USA] Building the capacity of individuals, organizations, and communities to dismantle the systems that perpetuate racism through the power of storytelling and the leadership of people directly affected.
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[USA] Fighting for racial justice and equity by providing immediate resources, assistance, and amplification for BIPOC in the Broadway and Theatrical industry at-large.
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Broadway Green Alliance
[USA] An industry-wide initiative that educates, motivates, and inspires the entire theatre community and its patrons to implement environmentally friendlier practices on Broadway and beyond.
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BSL in the Arts Good Practice Guide
[UK] In July 2020 Deafinitely Theatre collaborated with Equity, Alim Jayda (actor, interpreter and Equity member) and members of Equity's D/deaf and Disabled Committee, for a new Equity Guide to Good Practice in BSL and the Arts for all those who engage with creative practitioners in our industry.
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Cape Farewell
[UK] Cape Farewell changes the way we think about climate change. We engage great creative minds to address society's biggest challenge: climate change.
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Carbon Arts
[Australia] Carbon Arts generates and evaluates creative models for engaging society in imagining and shaping a more sustainable future.
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Carbon Footprint Calculator
[International] Carbon Footprint Ltd is first choice for blue-chip and mid-market companies through to SMEs and public sector organisations.
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Carnegie Mellon Library: Theatre and Ecology
[USA/International] Resources will help provide a basis for research on ecologically-aware and sustainable theater.
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Centre for Alternative Technology
[UK/Wales] Practical solutions and hands-on learning to help create a zero carbon world.
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Centre for Sustainable Practice in the Arts
[Canada] Sustainability as the intersection of environmental balance, social equity, economic stability and a strengthened cultural infrastructure.
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[Europe] Innovation for the theatre sector. Centrline is a new collaboration platform for the theatre sector co-founded by Craig Fleming and David Kelly.
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Challenge Consultancy
[UK] Challenge has grown from a one-person organisation into an association of trainers and consultants from a variety of backgrounds, offering a wide range of skills and expertise, all working with common aims and objectives.
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Chris Maser - Social-Environmental Sustainability, Welcome.
[USA] Expert in sustainability, a noted author, an international speaker and workshop facilitator empowers citizens, businesses and public officials worldwide to achieve social - environmental sustainable community development through vision, leadership, stewardship and partnership. Maser brings local, regional and global environmental issues into perspective with over 25 years in-depth field experience as a research scientist in natural history and ecology. Maser describes an approach for successful ( environmental ) conflict resolution through transformation strengthening each party's moral resolve and ability to handle adverse circumstances beyond the present conflict while finding genuine solutions. Maser also serves as an international consultant on forestry ecology and sustainable forest practices.
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Circular Ecology - Embodied Carbon Footprint Database
[UK] Download the leading embodied energy and embodied carbon footprint database for materials, known as the ICE Database. Over 30,000 users.
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[Australia] CLIMARTE harnesses the creative power of the arts to inform, engage and inspire action on the climate crisis.
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Climate Change Theatre Action
[International] Our Planet. Our Future. Our Responsibility
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Climate Contexts
Some Principles for Theatre in an Era of Ecological Chaos
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Climate Conversations : The Report | Donmar Warehouse
The result of director/dramaturg/researcher Zoë Svendsen work on Climate Dramaturgy at the Donmar Warehouse. Includes a range of resources.
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Climate Cultures - creative conversations for the Anthropocene | exploring cultural responses to environmental change
[UK] Exploring cultural responses to environmental change
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Climate Emergency Centre Handbook
[International] The Climate Emergency Centres (CECs) project enables the development of a self-funding Eco Centre that brings together a diverse alliance of groups and individuals in the local community to build solutions, relationships and resilience in the face of the Climate Emergency and multiple social crises. Each centre is autonomous but interconnected with a broader network of Centres across the UK that support each other, sharing skills, resources and knowledge.
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Musical conversations across the world about global warming solutions
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Climate Leadership Training
Carbon Literacy Training for Business Leaders and Future Leaders
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Climate Outreach
Climate Outreach are leading experts in climate change communications, aiming to ensure impacts are understood, accepted and acted upon across society.
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Climate Psychology Alliance
Exploring psychological responses to the climate crisis to strengthen relationships and resilience for a just future.
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COAL - Coalision pour l'art et le developement durable
[France] mobilise les artistes et les acteurs culturels sur les enjeux sociétaux et environnementaux et accompagne l'émergence d'une nouvelle culture de l'écologie
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Concious Costume
[USA] Conscious Costume educates and empowers costume professionals by providing resources and community to galvanize a more ethical, inclusive, and circular world.
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Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute
[International] The Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute is a non-profit organization created to bring about a large scale transformation in the way we make the things we make
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Creative Carbon Scotland
[UK/Scotland] believes in the essential role of the arts, screen, cultural and creative industries in contributing to the transformational change to a more environmentally sustainable Scotland
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Creative Commons
[USA/International] Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that helps overcome legal obstacles to the sharing of knowledge and creativity to address the world’s pressing challenges.
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[Internationa] Culture260 brings Asia and Europe closer by providing information, facilitating dialogue and stimulating reflection on the arts and culture of the two regions.
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Culture Declares Emergency
[UK] A growing global community of arts & culture champions declaring a climate & ecological emergency
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Culture for Climate Report by Performance+Ecology Research Lab
[Australia] The Culture for Climate Report is a preliminary study into how Australian performing arts organisations are responding to the global environmental crises through sustainability strategies, programming practices and policies.
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Dark Mountain
[UK] n 2009, two English writers published a manifesto. Out of that manifesto grew a cultural movement: a rooted and branching network of creative activity, centred on the Dark Mountain journal, sustained by the work of a growing gang of collaborators and contributors, as well as the support of thousands of readers around the world.
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Design Can
[UK] A new campaign and online tool calling for the design industry to be inclusive.
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Disability Arts Online
An organisation led by disabled people, set up to advance disability arts and culture.
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Doughnut Economics
[International] The Doughnut of social and planetary boundaries is a playfully serious approach to framing that challenge, and it acts as a compass for human progress this century.
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Dragon Dreaming
[International] A living systems approach to build successful organisations and projects for the Great Turning.
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Earth Angel Sets
[USA] Earth Angel offers a menu of services to productions, studios, sound stages, film offices, production vendors and many other organizations supporting this industry.
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Earth Matters on Stage
[USA] EMOS is a consortium of artists, educators, activists, and scholars who believe that theatre and the performing arts must respond to the environmental crisis.
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A non-profit organisation that uses in-depth investigations to expose environmental and social crime, injustice and the ties to global consumption
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Eco Art Scotland
[UK/Scotland] focused on art and ecology for artists, curators, critics, commissioners as well as scientists and policy makers
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Ecodesign and Energy Labelling
[Europe] European Commission Directives
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Eco Drama
[UK/Scotland] Eco Drama engage and inspire people of all ages to value and care for our natural world.
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[New Zealand] Design for Sustainability is the future of design and design for the future
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Economie Circulaire
[France] The Institut de l’économie circulaire and CIRIDD, with support from ADEME and the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, decided to create a common site dedicated to all those involved in the circular economy.
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[Canada] The mission of Écoscéno is to reduce the environmental impact of cultural production by providing tools and support to actors in the field while promoting eco-design and reuse of objects and materials within the arts sector.
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[Australia] Adventures in a new paradigm for performance making
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Ecoscenography Facebook Group
[International] international group for people interested in the intersection between performance and ecological design practice.
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Eco Theater Blog
[USA] Creating art. Not waste.
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Edinburgh Fringe Sustainability Toolkit 2018
[UK/Scotland] The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the world’s greatest platform for freedom of expression. It’s a unique festival with over 3,000 shows across 300 venues. With this scale in mind, it is imperative that we explore all options to find the most sustainable and environmentally-friendly ways of performing on the Fringe, avoiding unnecessary waste wherever possible
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Edinburgh Performing Arts Development
[Scotland] A support programme for professional independent performing arts companies and artists based in Edinburgh.
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Environmental Responsibility Action Plan 2022-24 | Arts Council England
[UK/England] This plan details what we will do internally at the Arts Council between 2022-24 to make meaningful, measurable reductions to our carbon footprint.
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EU Ecolabel for Businesses
[Europe] This provides initial information to businesses who would consider obtaining or have already obtained the EU Ecolabel for their products.
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European Theatre Convention
[Europe] ETC is the largest network of publicly-funded theatres in Europe, with 54 members in 30 countries. We organise a wide range of activities to create brilliant new theatre, support and develop people working in theatre, and fight for the European theatre sector in a political context.
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Flight Free UK
Fight climate change: make the pledge to be flight free in 2023
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Futerra is a change agency, a product incubator, and a training academy. Futerra works across continents and cultures to deliver sustainable development solutions that help make the Anthropocene awesome.
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Future Materials Bank
[International] Materials that inspire, promote, and support the transition towards a more sustainable artistic practice.
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[UK] An award winning media company committed to sharing the perspectives of people of colour from marginalised genders
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Gate Theatre
[UK] We believe that theatre has the power to question and nurture a changing world, and to change the people who watch it.
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Goldfinger Factory
[UK] We design and craft beautiful furniture for homes and businesses. Everything we make and do has a positive impact on our community and the planet.
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Green Art Lab Alliance
[International] A mycelium-like network of art organisations contributing to environmental sustainability
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Green Claims Checker
[UK] Green claims (sometimes called ‘environmental claims’ or ‘eco-friendly claims’) are claims that show how a product, service, brand or business provides a benefit or is less harmful to the environment.
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Green Clover
[UK] Sustainable and eco friendly alternative to conventional storage, transport & Asset Management methodology in the UK.
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Greener Live Performances
[Australia] Live Performance Australia
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Greener Theater Choices Toolkit
[USA] Mo'olelo Performing Arts Company (2009, USA)
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Greening the Arts
[Australia] A set of principles for Greening the Arts that emerged through the 2014 Greenie-in-Residence program at Arts House
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Greening the Wharf project
[Australia] Sydney Theatre Company has worked consistently year on year to increase its environmental sustainability.
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Green mapping project
[International] Think Global, Map Local!
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Greenpeace International
[International] We want to live on a healthy, peaceful planet. A planet where forests flourish, oceans are full of life and where once-threatened animals safely roam.
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Green Theatre report 2008
Taking action on climate change_Mayor of London_Sept 2008
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Green Wheels Touring Kit
[UK/Scotland] Green Wheels Touring Kit
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Healthy Materials Lab | Material Design Approaches
[USA] Explore the new frontier of healthier materials. Change the future of building—and improve the quality of lives. Join us.
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Home – Performance + Ecology
[UK] Navigating the paradox that is performance and ecology
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How Green? | The Green Gathering
[UK] The Green Gathering is a showcase of real life, low-impact alternatives. Its focus is education for sustainability, with the emphasis that education should be hands-on and fun.
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HowlRound Theatre Commons
[USA] We’re a free and open platform for theatremakers worldwide
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How to Build a Circular Economy | Ellen MacArthur Foundation
[UK] Help build a circular economy: a better system that can help fight climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. Explore the solutions for businesses today.
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[UK] A publication about nature and conservation in Britain
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ISO Standards
[International] Improve your environmental performance with this family of standards.
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Jon Young - Master Storyteller, Mentor & Consultant
[USA] For over 40 years, Jon Young has been a leader in the field of nature-based education, implementing vital advancements in the understanding and benefits of effective nature connection modeling.
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Joy-Jackson Initiative
[USA] An initiative provides tools and resources for the American Theater industry to identify, reflect on, and improve their role in creating the safest, most welcoming spaces for members of the BIPOC community in the arts.
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Julie's Bicycle
[UK] Julie’s Bicycle is a pioneering not-for-profit, mobilising the arts and culture to take action on the climate and ecological crisis.
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Julie's Bicycle - Sustainable Production
[UK] A practical guide for sustainable productions, with checklist for each role in the production process.
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Kultur Nachhaltig
[Germany] Projects and information on sustainability in the cultural sector
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Land Art Generator
[International] The Land Art Generator (LAGI) brings together artists, architects, scientists, landscape architects, engineers, and others in a first of its kind collaboration. The goal of the Land Art Generator is to see to the design and construction of public art installations that uniquely combine aesthetics with utility-scale clean energy generation. The works will serve to inspire and educate while they provide renewable power to thousands of homes around the world.
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Library of Things
[UK] Borrow useful Things for your home, projects and adventures. Affordable. Convenient. Kinder to the planet.
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Looby Macnamara
[UK] Permaculture teacher and author sharing tips on People and Permaculture and how to use permaculture principles and design in our own lives and relationship.
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Louder Than the Storm
[UK] The Positive Climate Change Movement
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Maia Group
[UK] how artists engaging in radical imagination, could create infrastructure to bring about transformative societal change.
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[International] Local Innovation, Global Impact
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Material ConneXion
[International] You need reliable, easy-to-understand material information from a trusted source.
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Materiom Materials Library
A fascinating materials library from Materiom
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Music4ClimateJustice is a Radical Collaboration to Save the Planet. A global event on Earth Day 2021 supporting SDG 13 & Climate Justice with A-list artists from around the world performing their most meaningful work, and indigenous artists stepping into the light to share their art with the world.
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National Theatre England | Sustainability
[UK/England] Our Environmental Policy recognises our responsibility to take action, and our belief that theatre can also lead positive change. We are committed to leading by improving our practice, shaping public conversation through storytelling, and galvanizing industry action to combat the climate crisis.
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National Theatre Environmental Policy
[UK] Theatre, like all industries, has an impact: we create work that is inherently temporary; that makes use of raw materials, of heat, light and sound; that asks people to travel to a particular location at a particular time.
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National Theatre of Scotland | Green Plan
[UK/Scotland] We are committed to ensuring that sustainability and protection of the environment sits at the heart of our company, our work and our ethos. As an arts or
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National Theatre Wales | Environmental sustainability
[UK/Wales] We’re committed to reducing our carbon impactWe’re living in a climate crisis. We have to change the way we do things, and as a national theatre, we have
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Native Land
[International] We strive to map Indigenous lands in a way that changes, challenges, and improves the way people see history and the present day. We hope to strengthen the spiritual bonds that people have with the land, its people, and its meaning.
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New Adventures Green Touring
[UK] New Adventures is an iconic and ground-breaking British dance-theatre company, which has now been certified as the first ever Creative Green touring organisation with Julie's Bicycle– scoring a fantastic 4 out of 5 stars for its Swan Lake UK tour.
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[USA] NICOLE BREWER is a passionate advocate for anti-racist theatre. She has spent the last seven years refining and practicing an inclusive method of theatre training and practices which she calls Conscientious Theatre Training (CTT).
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On the Move
[Europe] Information on residencies, funding, collaborations and more for artists and cultural workers going international.
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[International] A creative design process based on whole-systems thinking informed by ethics and design principles that feature on this site.
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Pigfoot Theatre
[UK] Pigfoot are a multi award-winning carbon-neutral theatre company, dedicated to making sustainable theatre about the climate crisis.
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Project Earth Rock
Using music and art in environmental education provides an innovative way to make teaching more experiential and memorable.
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Project X
[UK/Scotland] A multi-disciplinary, collectively run organisation based in Scotland, platforming dance of the African and Caribbean Diaspora.
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ReSet Scenery
[UK/Scotland] A non-profit organisation dedicated to providing the Scottish Entertainment Industry with an environmentally responsible circular alternative to landfill for its unwanted scenery, props and furniture.
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Rising Tides
[UK] A collective formed of experienced and emerging artists, contributing to wider artistic engagement with the Climate Emergency.
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Royal Court Environmental Policy
[UK/England] We invite and enable conversation and debate, allowing writers and their ideas to reach and resonate beyond the stage and the public to share in the thinking.
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Royal Exchange
[UK/England] We are a part of a pioneer sector working with our city to produce the culture sector’s first action plan to take us towards zero carbon and this will be published in 2020. We are also helping to lead the C-Change project, which sees Manchester share the cultural sector’s unique good practice with five other European cities.
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SalvoWEB | Architectural Salvage, Reclamation Yards, UK, USA and more
[UK] Buy, sell and reuse architectural salvage, reclaimed building materials, decorative antiques, demolitions, everything for homes and gardens on SalvoWEB - the pioneer global marketplace, established in 1994
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Scottish-Asian Creative Artists' Network
[UK/Scotland] Welcome to the home of the Scottish-Asian Creative Artists' Network. Check our About ScrAN page to find out more about what we do, and who we are. For our upcoming events and activities, see Current Projects. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions about ScrAN, or would like to be…
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Scottish Ecological Design Association
[UK/Scotland] SEDA are a network of around 350 members predominantly in Scotland, linking those seeking ecological information and services with those who provide them. We aim to share knowledge, skills and experience of ecological design, encourage sustainable thinking and promoting environmentally proactive behaviour.
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Scottish Federation Code of Practice for Venues and Producers
[UK/Scotland] A document for discussion at the Touring Forum on 14 October 2015 – the Code covers basic issues around transparency and working in a timely manner, without constricting commercial deal making between venues and producers.
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Scottish Federation Touring Code of Practice
[UK/Scotland] Federation of Scottish Theatre
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Scrapstores directory
ReusefulUK is a national network of scrapstores, resource and creative reuse centres which shares information about issues, barriers, opportunities, good practice, achievements, promotions and publications.
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Sculpture Placement Group
[UK/Scotland] Sculpture Placement Group’s mission is to prolong the life-span of sculptures, bring sculptural joy into people’s lives & offer economic/practical solutions for artists.
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[UK] Printing economically and sustainably.
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Set Exchange - The freecycle website for Theatre, TV, Film and Event production.
[UK] Freecycle message board for the Theatre, TV, Flim, Events and related industries, to post and share their unwanted set, props and costume with the wider community.
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SiPA | Sustainability in Production Alliance
[UK] A community of live production professionals who share the belief that our industry must embrace sustainability to ensure its future.
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Small World Theatre
[UK/Wales] Creators of environmental puppet theatre and processions, with core projects supporting health and creativity.
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Social Model of Disability
[UK] The social model of disability is a way of viewing the world, developed by disabled people. Scope's Everyday Equality strategy is based on this model of disability. The model says that people are disabled by barriers in society, not by their impairment or difference. Barriers can be physical, like buildings not having accessible toilets. Or they can be caused by people's attitudes to difference, like assuming disabled people can't do certain things.
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Stage Sight
[UK] Stage Sight’s vision is to create an off stage workforce that is more reflective of our society today, inclusive of ethnicity, class and disability.
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[UK] Stagetext makes theatre and culture accessible to deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people
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Staging Change
[UK] A network of theatre makers who have a small footprint, but a big impact
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Story of Stuff
[USA] We have a problem with Stuff: we have too much of it, too much of it is toxic, and we don’t share it very well. But that’s not the way things have to be.
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Superhero Clubhouse
[USA] Superhero Clubhouse unites ecology and theater to enact justice, cultivate hope, and inspire a thriving future
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Sustainability and Theatre
[USA] Theatre and plays about sustainability
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Sustainable production toolkit
[USA] A free step-by-step guide to make your performing arts organization more sustainable.
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Sustainable products for production
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Teatro a Pedali
[IT] A festival with low environmental impact to reflect on the planet and on the actions that each of us can take to improve it.
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The Arctic Cycle
[USA] The Arts & Climate Initiative uses storytelling and live performance to foster dialogue about our global climate crisis, create an empowering vision of the future, and inspire people to take action.
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Theatre Green Book
[UK] The Green Book is an initiative by the whole of theatre – working with sustainability experts Buro Happold – to work more sustainably. In three volumes it sets standards for making productions sustainably, for making theatre buildings sustainable, and for improving operations like catering and front of house.
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Theatre In The Wild
[USA/International] Rediscovering the spiritual purpose of theatre through stories that give meaning to existence
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Theatres Trust: Building Sustainable Theatres
[UK] The aim of The Theatres Trust is to enable effective planning to secure, improve and achieve sustainability for theatre buildings throughout the UK.
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The Buckminster Fuller Institute
[International] BFI seeks to further Fuller’s work by inspiring and supporting a new generation of design science pioneers.
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The Centre for Climate and Social Transformations
[UK] We want to work closely with people and organisations to achieve positive low-carbon futures - transforming the way we live our lives, and reconfiguring organisations and cities.
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The Charter for Trees, Woods and People
[UK] sets out the principles by which trees and people in the UK can stand stronger together.
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The CHEMARTS Cookbook offers both simple and more advanced ideas and recipes for hands-on experiments with wood-based materials.
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The Circular Design Guide
[UK] What if you could redesign everything? The Circular Design Guide is a collaboration between IDEO and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. It's an action-oriented set of methods, mindsets and thought starters to help innovators design circular solutions that are fit for the future.
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The Costume Directory
[UK] An open resource which connects designers and buyers with suppliers and brands who prioritize sustainability, environmental responsibility and fair trade.
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The Ellen MacArthur Foundation
[UK] The Ellen MacArthur Foundation works to inspire a generation to re-think, re-design and build a positive future circular economy.
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The Green Theater
[] A website to share our knowledge about Green Theatre. Not only that, but ecological theatre,ecotheatre, sustainable theatre,environmental theatre,recycled theatre as well.
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The Man in Seat 61 | The train travel guide
A guide to train travel in the UK, Europe & worldwide. Train times, fares, how to buy tickets, tips & advice.
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The Society of British Theatre Designers (SBTD)
The UK's professional association for designers for performance
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The Strike a Chord Project
An investigation into the music industry's response to the climate emergency
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Thought Box Education
[UK] As the world transforms, so must our education systems. It’s time to regenerate – to connect with the world and cultivate our innate human values so that we can be well in our lives, feel valued in our communities and live in balance with our planet.
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Transition Towns
[UK] Encourage communities to come together and rebuild our world. Step up and address the big challenges we face by starting local.
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Transition Town Totnes
[UK/England] A community-led and run local charity that exists to strengthen the local economy, reduce our environmental impact, and build our resilience for a future with less cheap energy and a changing climate.
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[USA] TYA/USA is the leading national organization for the professional field of theatre for children and families, representing over 1,000 member theatres, organizations, and individual artists across 47 states.
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UN Sustainable Development Goals
[International] The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.
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Unusual Rigging
[UK] Using our combined experience we design and source the best solutions, whether it's for a major international event or a small, regional project with equal dedication.
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Useful Projects | Innovators in Sustainable Development
[UK] We develop and implement sustainability strategies and environmental design for major organisations and development projects.
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[UK] Vision: 2025 is a growing network of over 500 outdoor events and businesses taking climate action. We’re here to connect you to resources tools and each other, on the journey toward net zero.
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Vision 2025 - Report
[UK] Environmental Impact Report for the UK Festival and Outdoor Events Industry
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Vision2025 - The Show Must Go On Report
[UK] The updated Show Must Go On Report below and engage with the Vision: 2025 community, learning what you can do and share your successes (and failures) so that the wider event industry can accelerate it journey to a more sustainable future.
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We are Albert
[UK] The authority on environmental sustainability for film + TV.
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Wellbeing In The Arts | Mental Health And Wellbeing Support
Providing mental health and wellbeing support to the Arts industry.
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Work That Reconnects
[International] The Work That Reconnects, based in the teachings of Joanna Macy, follows a Spiral of practices: Gratitude, Honoring Our Pain for the World, Seeing with New/Ancient Eyes, and Going Forth. Learn about the Spiral and how this Work can support you in facing the crises of our time.
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World Stage Design 2013: The Willow Theatre
[International] The Willow Theatre was a central element to the World Stage Design 2013 festival.
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World Stage Design 2022
[International] The first and only designer-based exhibition to showcase and celebrate performance design from individual designers.
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[USA] Through A Shared Purpose Towards Collective Liberation & Anti-Racism, X Casting Re-Imagines The Art Of Casting.