Dr Katherine Brokaw [She/Her]
Ecostage Pledger
Can you tell us something about yourself?
The #EarthShakes Alliance is a global collective of Shakespearean theatres and organizations of all sizes, each of which pledges to put environmental concerns at the heart of their practices and productions, and of individuals passionate about Shakespeare and ecology. Here is a short welcome to the alliance and the webiste from co-founders Katie Brokaw and Paul Prescott. EarthShakes believes that climate change and biodiversity loss present monumental challenges to life on the planet, and understand that the effects of extreme heat, floods, food loss, pollution, and habitat destruction unequally affect those who are least responsible for human-made climate change, a concept known as environmental injustice or environmental racism. We hope to leverage whatever power Shakespeare's plays might contain to highlight these issues and imagine more sustainable and equal futures for all.
What was the turning point when you became ecologically aware and decided to take action?
As founders of Shakespeare in Yosemite, we were contacted by the Globe Theatre (UK) about co-organizing what became Globe4Globe: Shakespeare and the Climate Emergency, the first ever conference dedicated to Shakespeare and the environment, which happened online in April 2021 and included both academics and theatre-makers from around the world. As part of those efforts, we realized that there needed to be a network to help theatres and organizations best share ideas and resources about green theatre and putting ecological messaging at the heart of productions.
NB the website isn't accepting Twitter and Insta handles. Our Twitter handle is @_EarthShakes and our Instagram handle is @earthshakesalliance